Fracking Dan River Basin
It is a sad day for Stokes and Rockingham County.
North Carolina’s legislature, in a fast flurry Thursday, approved the state’s issuing permits for fracking for natural gas. Turning down a string of Democratic amendments, the North Carolina House gave the bill final approval on a 64-50 vote. Hours later the Senate agreed to the House changes, 33-12, without debate.
This happened in 2014 which is when we originally posted this story. Since then, the rush to fracking has subsided. Also some of the stories that we linked too have been removed by the original publishers such as the Charlotte News and Observer. Due to copyright rules, we are not permitted to copy publish, only to link to the stories. You can still read the original story as published by The Huffington Post
Read Huffington Post by clicking here
. It is eye opening as to what our legislature was going to allow. Fortunately Fracking died… least for the short term.
It appears that the richest gas deposits are along the Dan River, from Walnut Cove to Eden. It is my understanding that the first fracking permits will be issued for an area near the Dan River, between Walnut Cove and Madison.
Property owners will not reap a benefit, because in most cases the property owner does not own the mineral rights under his/her property. Rep. Rick Glazier, D-Cumberland is quoted as saying
“We will end up with landowners being forced to give up control of their property as they have historically, and we do it only for the greed of a few companies."
Fracking Dan River Basin
This is an article in the Hufington Post about fracking in North Carolina
This what the Charlotte Observer has to say… Charlotte Observer Article
UPDATE…Unfortunately The Charlotte Observer NOW requires subscription to read the news. Huffington Post is still free.