Blizzard 2014

The blizzard of 2014….Yeah, I know …This is old news now, because it is over, but It was exciting while it lasted and will be talked about for years.

It seems that Stokes County received some of the largest accumulations of snow in North Carolina.   All of the ingredients  fell into place at the proper time for this to happen.  The result was the largest snow fall that the State of North Carolina has seen in a long time.

The roads became slick in a very short period of time.   Although everyone knew that a storm was about to happen, the rapidity with which it happened caught folks in awkward situations.  There were many stories of long stressful drives from work to home.  I have heard folks say that the trip from Greensboro to Madison took 3 or 4 hours……. the drive home to Pine Hall from work in Winston-Salem took 4 hours….and the stories go on.

Fortunately, time was burned but I haven’t heard of anyone who suffered  physical harm.

Lets all have a cup of hot chocolate and toast the Blizzard 2014

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